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Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Ruangan Server Facebook

Pernakah anda berpikir dimana di simpan milyaran file-file foto facebokers di dunia dan triliyuan postingan para facebookers di dunia di simpan dan atau sebesar apa kapasitas server Facebook??Pertanyaan itulah yang selama ini membayangi saya dan pasti salah satu dari kalian juga ada yang berpikir sama seperti saya.nah setelah saya cari-cari ternyata saya mendapatkannya nah berikut adalah foto-foto ruangan server facebook.

The data center holds tens of thousands of servers.

These rows of servers are set up to minimize the energy required to keep the data center running.

A close up of the servers in two racks.

The center includes sophisticated coolings systems and back up power supplies.

Cables connect servers in the center with each other and the entire facility with the outside world.

The architecture of the center includes multiple copies of the data, so that nothing is lost.

The facility where photographer Martin Schoeller took these photos is leased. Facebook is currently building a state-of-the-art data center in Prineville, Oregon. ]

comment or post is live within seconds. Multiply that across 500 million (and counting) users and the power of the data center becomes awesome indeed.

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